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Stormchaser Mountsorrel Leicester wind current Weather

The Stormtrack Weather Station at Mountsorrel and Rothley Leicester

52:42N 01:08W at 229 ft AMSL
The Villages of Mountsorrel and Rothley are located 4 miles North of Leicester, on the edge of the Charnwood Forest
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Last Data Feed: Tue 22 Oct 12:46 PM

Station Automated Forecast: Mostly clear with little temperature change

The StormTrack Mountsorrel & Rothley Weather Station

From 2007 the Mountsorrel Weather station data was collected via a Davis Vantage ProV1 which has provided a very good service. During the Spring of 2019, The Davis weather station equipment with a new (backup) Davis Vantage ProV2 weather station and added new and more accurate weather sensors from companies such as Gill instruments, Vector Instruments, Campbell Scientific and RM Young in ordeer to provide more accurate weather readings to the village of Montorrel. Data from the sernsors is collected every second and is captured into a SQL database which is located on a desktop computer that is located in my home office. This same computer also host the website that you are viewing this site on now. Conenction to ths website and datbase server is via a residential broadband line supplied by BT Internet.

Main  Weather Station Temperature and Humidity array

The main Temperature and humidity sensor array for the weather station. In the background is the newly replaced Davis Vantage Pro2 all in one weather station with the black rain tipping bucket. The temperature and humidity array consists of 4 calibrated platinum resistance thermometers (PRT) temperature sensors and two humidity sensors. The PRT’s are rated at 1/3 DIN and a reference 1/10 DIN PRT, suppled and calibrated (April 2019) by Sterling Sensors to an accuracy of 0.07°C at 25°C. The humidity sensors (eBay) are outside calibration (October 2015), but claim an accuracy of ±0.8 %RH at 80 %RH at 23°C. The temperature and humidity sensor are housed in METSPEC RAD10 radiation shields to shield the effects of solar heating. The Davis radiation shield is aspirated with a fan which turns on if the solar radiation reported is > 200 W/s and the wind speed is less than 4mph.
** The METSPEC radiation shields “seem” to over record temperatures in very bright sunshine – I am looking to ether fan aspirate the RAD10 radations shilds  or relocate them into an aspirated Stevenson’s shield.
Roof Mounted Anemometer array

The roof mounted wind direction and speed array. According to WMO guidelines, wind meassuring sensors should be mounted at 10 meters high, which they are. However, wind turbulence from the roof lessens the accuracy when the wind is coming from the West or South. There are 4 wind sensors. The black one is for Davis VP2 weather station (ProData). The large “wind vane” is an RMYoung R5103 wind direction and speed which I used to take with me to measure wind speeds in hurricanes. The least side sensor is a modern ultra-sonic anemometer my by Gill Instruments (eBay). It has no moving parts so will never wear out! The near silver cup anemometer is a first-class calibrated (Sep-2016) anemometer by Vector Instruments (eBay) – I was really surprised to find such a highly accurate sensor to cheap! For wind speed and gusts, I take readings from the three sensors (not Davis) every second and then average them out over three seconds to provide current wind speed. I then take a rolling 1 minute, 2 minute and 10-minute max wind speed to provide wind gusts data. Wind direction is averaged over 1 minute from the Ultrasonic and RM Young sensors.
0.1mm tipping Rain Gauge

Rainfall is measured by a 0.1mm resolution SBS1000 WMO first class calibrated (April-2019) tipping bucket rain gauge supplied by EML Ltd. As raindrops fall into the xxx wide funnel collector, they pass through and fall onto a small tipping bucket. When this bucket is full its tips, thus recording that 0.1mm of rain has fallen. By measuring the time taken between tips (and some clever maths) the rain rate is calculated in mm/hour. The Davis VP2 rain collector is a 0.2mm device and it seems to under record rainfall by about 15%
Ground Concrete Temprature probe

Measuring concreate surface temperature is an important consideration when calculating ground frosts and predicting black ice. I use a TP107 BetaTherm 100K6A1IA Thermistor supplied by Campbell Scientific (Shepshed) which as a temperature measuring range of -35° to +50°C and a survival range of -50°C to +100°C which is important as in the summer, on a very hot day Solar radiation can heat the concreate slab to over 60°C. Often the concreate temperature can be below 0°C while the airtime is above freezing. This may then allows black ice to form on untreated roads.
Grass Temeprature Sensor

I use a TP107 BetaTherm 100K6A1IA Thermistor supplied by Campbell Scientific to measure Grass Temperature. Also shown is a grass minimum sensor for the Davis VP2 weather station. The Grass Minimum Temperature is the temperature recorded in open air ground on short turf, with the tip of the thermometer just in contact with the tips of the blades of grass. It is also described as the temperature at 5cm (2in) above ground. The grass minimum temperature often varies substantially from air temperature, which is measured at 2-meters above ground. Often the 2-meter air temperature can be +4°C, while the grass temperature can be below zero at -1 °C
UV and Solar Rad Sensors

Close up of the UK and solar Sensors. solar panels power the weather station during the day.

Outlook for Thursday to Saturday: Low cloud and hill fog Thursday morning with increasing cloud and evening rain. Staying cloudy with outbreaks of rain Friday. Likely some brighter spells and showers Saturday. Often breezy.
UK Outlook for Saturday 26 Oct 2024 to Monday 4 Nov 2024: Temperatures likely closer to average than of late with an often brisk westerly flow bringing systems in from the Atlantic. Some longer spells of rain may spread erratically southeastwards across parts of the UK at the start of the weekend, especially in the north and perhaps accompanied by windy conditions, but with a trend for high pressure to build close to the UK later in the weekend and beyond into early November. This should offer some longer drier spells of weather, with an increased chance of frost and fog, which could be slow to clear in places. However, it may remain rather breezy or windy at times in the northwest, with some occasional outbreaks of rain here.

Mountsorrel is a village in Leicestershire on the River Soar, just south of Loughborough with a population of 6,662 inhabitants. A castle was built in 1080 by Hugh Lupus, but there is evidence of an earlier Norman settlement in the area in the form of pottery fragments. A Roman villa is supposed to have existed on Broad Hill during the 4th century AD, the site of today's quarry, as quarrying during the late 1800s revealed many artefacts including a preserved wooden bucket. However, the first recording of the village was in 1377, when it had a population of 156.

The Mountsorrel Weather Station is located in Mountsorrel which is just South of Loughborough andjust North of Leicester, Leicestershire.

This website is non for profit and is freely maintained by Stormchaser Stuart Robinson whose passion is for all type of weather but especially the more severe types of weather such as Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tornadoes.

Stuart oftens travels the globle to experabce severe weather first after seeing his first tornado outside a town called Stuart in Nebraska, USA on the 9th June 2003.

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