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Stormchaser Mountsorrel Leicester wind current Weather

The Stormtrack Weather Station at Mountsorrel and Rothley Leicester

52:42N 01:08W at 229 ft AMSL
The Villages of Mountsorrel and Rothley are located 4 miles North of Leicester, on the edge of the Charnwood Forest
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Last Data Feed: Tue 22 Oct 12:46 PM

Station Automated Forecast: Mostly clear with little temperature change

Mountsorrel's Weather Almanac

Stormtrack Weather Forecast Almanac for Mountsorrel and Rothely

FromToWhat to expectWeather Type
24 Oct13 NovThis period is known as the 'Autumn Rains or Continental Trains' as the period starts wet and windy with gales from 26th-29th however high pressure sometimes builds from the East on the 30th.Weather Icon
14 Nov24 NovA traditionally settled period as high pressure settles over the UK bringing quiet, foggy weather to the UK.Weather Icon
25 Nov10 DecA wet and windy period of the year usually as cyclonic systems move in from the Atlantic, the two most stormy periods are 25th - 29th November and 6th - 12th December.Weather Icon
11 Dec24 DecThe pre-Christmas period brings the winter solstice and also a traditionally quiet and frosty period of the year as high pressure dominates the weather. Gales still possible in Northern areasWeather Icon
25 Dec31 DecOne of the most traditional periods of the year where in many years the Atlantic brings gales and heavy rain/sleet or snow back to the UK during the festive week. Weather Icon
5 Jan17 JanA traditionally wet and windy period of the year as the Atlantic begins to become more active, however storm systems affect mainly western areas.Weather Icon
18 Jan24 JanDry and frosty as high pressure begins to affect the UK, Easterly winds are quite common during this time.Weather Icon
24 Jan3 FebThis period is notorious for gales and severe gales to affect the UK with snowfall a high risk to many areas.Weather Icon
8 Feb16 FebThis period usually sees the years highest frequency of high pressure across the UK and is usually the coldest period of the year.Weather Icon
21 Feb25 FebA 'Northerly Blast' is quite common during this period as low pressure crosses the UK and snowfall affects many areas.Weather Icon
26 Feb9 MarA stormy and cool period usually dominates this period bringing occasional Northerly outbreaks followed by wet and windy weather as storms move in from the Atlantic and settle over Norway.Weather Icon
10 Mar22 MarA settled period as the first of the Spring anti-cyclones affects the UK. As daylight hours are longer this period can sometimes see very mild weather during the day but hard frosts at night.Weather Icon
23 Mar31 MarMarch usually ends on a stormy note and starts the first of the 4 Northerly Spells which last through April and into early May bringing the traditional showers.Weather Icon
10 Apr19 AprThis is probably the most relaible of the Northerly showery outbreaks for the entire year. Low pressure to the East brings cold showers to many areas with snow possible in Scotland.Weather Icon
23 Apr16 MayAgain, a cool period usually, however the Atlantic starts to quieten down and winds from the North or East are very common whilst Westerlies are rare.Weather Icon
17 May31 MayThis period is known as the fore-monsoon, traditionally dry and warm with high pressure over the UK and continent.Weather Icon
1 Jun4 JunThe first wave of the 'European Summer Monsoon' as low pressure moves in from the West bringing cooler weather and heavy slow moving showers.Weather Icon
10 Jun14 JunThe second wave of the 'European Summer Monsoon' bringing more wet and windy weather, between the periods expect better weather as the Azores high begins to expand.Weather Icon
18 Jun27 JunThe third and final wave of the 'European Summer Monsoon' brings more wet and windy weather to the UK with further heavy showers.Weather Icon
10 Jul22 JulA traditional warm period for the UK, the first of the 'Phew, whatta scorcher!' headlines hits the press as the Azores high builds and extends over the UK.Weather Icon
23 Jul27 JulSpanish plumes and stagnant areas of low pressure are very common during this period bringing heavy thunderstorms.Weather Icon
31 Jul8 AugAgain, a potentially thundery period of the year but this is the period where the hottest day of the year is likely to occur.Weather Icon
16 Aug30 AugSummer starts to fade as the first of the Autumn storms arrives bringing cooler, unsettled weather to many areas, high pressure may hang on in the South for a while longer.Weather Icon
1 Sep17 SepThe 'Old Wives Summer' begins as high pressure crosses the UK en route to Siberia bringing a period of 3 or 4 fine days followed by showers.Weather Icon
18 Sep24 SepThe Atlantic starts to return more Autumn storms during this period, the period around 23rd/24th is liable to gales.Weather Icon
5 Oct12 OctAgain, a wet and windy period of the year bringing more Autumn gales to the UK.Weather Icon
16 Oct20 OctA traditionally settled period as high pressure builds and crosses the UK.Weather Icon

Outlook for Thursday to Saturday: Low cloud and hill fog Thursday morning with increasing cloud and evening rain. Staying cloudy with outbreaks of rain Friday. Likely some brighter spells and showers Saturday. Often breezy.
UK Outlook for Saturday 26 Oct 2024 to Monday 4 Nov 2024: Temperatures likely closer to average than of late with an often brisk westerly flow bringing systems in from the Atlantic. Some longer spells of rain may spread erratically southeastwards across parts of the UK at the start of the weekend, especially in the north and perhaps accompanied by windy conditions, but with a trend for high pressure to build close to the UK later in the weekend and beyond into early November. This should offer some longer drier spells of weather, with an increased chance of frost and fog, which could be slow to clear in places. However, it may remain rather breezy or windy at times in the northwest, with some occasional outbreaks of rain here.

Mountsorrel is a village in Leicestershire on the River Soar, just south of Loughborough with a population of 6,662 inhabitants. A castle was built in 1080 by Hugh Lupus, but there is evidence of an earlier Norman settlement in the area in the form of pottery fragments. A Roman villa is supposed to have existed on Broad Hill during the 4th century AD, the site of today's quarry, as quarrying during the late 1800s revealed many artefacts including a preserved wooden bucket. However, the first recording of the village was in 1377, when it had a population of 156.

The Mountsorrel Weather Station is located in Mountsorrel which is just South of Loughborough andjust North of Leicester, Leicestershire.

This website is non for profit and is freely maintained by Stormchaser Stuart Robinson whose passion is for all type of weather but especially the more severe types of weather such as Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tornadoes.

Stuart oftens travels the globle to experabce severe weather first after seeing his first tornado outside a town called Stuart in Nebraska, USA on the 9th June 2003.

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